EECS Community of Practice Mentor Matching Site (Continuing Project)

View the previous team's Project Showcase site:  

In this continued project, the matching algorithm, site aesthetics, user interface, registration logistics and other completion details must be developed to prepare the EECS Community of Practice Mentor Matching website to be used as a resource for EECS students to connect with prospective mentors who can help support their success as students and in their careers. The frameworks for the site have been developed by education researchers to enable individuals to connect based on important factors such as ethnic and gender identity, if they choose. The project parter, Dr. Rachael Cate, will meet with the team to guide progress. Technical details for the development-to-date will be passed from the previous team.   


The finished website with working algorithm, aesthetics, interface, and security details ready to be rolled out and ready for registration by mentors and mentees, to be introduced in the EECS Industry Advisory Board Meeting the day of the EECS Engineering Expo.


To create a resource to support inclusive student success and career development among EECS student by connecting them with mentors whose goals, interests, and/or identities align with their own.



Minimum Qualifications:

CS website development skills

Preferred Qualifications:

A motivation to create an excellent matching resource and website


Project Partner:

Rachael Cate


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

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