Help Save Craigslist
Craigslist dates from the early days of the internet, and it shows. It has never really needed to change... until now. The relatively new kid on the block is Facebook Marketplace (FBM). In addition to an instant user-base of basically everyone, FBM connects buyers and sellers using its Messenger instant chat. That is soooo much better than Craislist's email or personal phone number connections. However, FBM is still gaining traction, and the user experience is not great. You are bounced back and forth between FB and Messenger and it gets annoying.
Create a cross-platform app aimed at buying and selling things. The app should have:
Account, login, CRUD profile
Post things to sell. Include title, description, price, pic(s), tags.
Title is parsed for additional tags.
List things to buy. List can be sorted by relevance, newest or price.
Can search by tags. and filter by price.
Clicking on an item takes you to the item for sale page.
The item for sale page has buttons to chat with the buyer (similar to FBM)
Granular Requirements:
Cross-Platform app (Flutter, React-Native, Xamarin...
Server and backing database
Amazon S3 for images
Stretch Requirements:
Rate buyer / seller
Picture gallery for item
Profile pic upload
Algorithm remembers your searches (tags) and displays an "Items you may like" or other recommendations on a landing page. Similar to FBM.
Is Craigslist worth saving? It's a yes from me.
Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed
Project Partner:
William Pfeil
NDA/IPA:No Agreement Required
Number Groups:1
Project Status:Accepting Applicants
Keywords:MobileOperations / CloudAndroidiOSAPICross-Platformservers3