Personal Data Acquisition Prototype

Lets make a lite and rugged data recorder and collect data on a mountain bike, go-kart, snowboard or something else awesome! 

We'll pick an application and quickly build a basic recorder using available DIY hardware (Raspberry Pi, etc.), then develop additional hardware, user interface, and packaging to create a refined prototype. This will require getting past the bread board phase and making something that can survive the real world!


The end result of this project will be a prototype personal data logger. 

Basic Requirements

  • Record data from ~10 channel at 100 Hz - 5,000 Hz
  • Live stream data to remote device (phone, tablet, computer…)
  • Operate in harsh environments (EMI, vibration, wet, cold)
  • Simple user interface

Desired sensors: 

  • Accelerometer
  • Yaw Rate
  • GPS
  • Force transducer
  • Linear Potentiometer
  • String Potentiometer

There will be a lot of flexibility to choose areas of focus

  • Microcontroller selection and integration
  • PCB design
  • Wiring harness specification and build
  • Mechanical Packaging / 3d printing
  • User Interface / User Experience
  • Data Analysis (filtering, FFT, etc.)


There is a large gap between DIY data recorders and those used professionally in industry, and nothing that a non-technical person could pick up and use quickly. We will explore this space and see if we can create something that fills this gap. 

The project mentor, Chris Patton, has a PhD in mechanical engineering and has used data acquisition systems while working in the Space Launch Industry, Formula1, and Le Mans Prototypes.


Minimum Qualifications:

Excited to develop embedder hardware from from PCB to packaged product.

Preferred Qualifications:
  • Embedded Hardware Experience
  • Interest in learning Rust
  • 3d printing
  • Wiring harness development


Project Partner:

Chris Patton


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

Embedded SystemsPCBData AcquisitionSensorsRustNew Product or Game
Card Image Capstone