Tap Tap Rhythm game for iOS or Android
This will be a 2D game for iOS or Android device. In this game, users can play "taps" (tapped rhythm patterns) in gameplay similar to the Guitar Hero games. The visual aspect of the gameplay may be artistically determined by the team.
Deliverables: Game project and working 3 and 4 rail tap game that runs on iOS or Android (Android preferred).
- Playback tapped rhythm patterns synced with music
- Game UI must display score and other stats
- Game UI must have several different modes for "Hot Streaks" (amount of time or taps without a miss), to build the excitement
- During the Hot Streak modes, scoring increases and graphics should change
- When the user misses, the scoring resets to normal
- Game Over feature if player misses too many (optional)
- At the end of a game, the user can view their stats (hits, misses, longest streak, etc
Currently, the genre of rhythm games feels "tapped out". It is time for a creative new take on the gameplay.
Minimum Qualifications:
Some experience with game development OR strong desire to make games.
Preferred Qualifications:Unity c# iOS Android
Project Partner:
Samarendra Hedaoo
NDA/IPA:No Agreement Required
Number Groups:1
Project Status:Accepting Applicants