SAE - Data Acquisition Wiring Harness

The purpose of this project is to create the wiring harness
that connects sensors from all around the car to the club’s data logger the EDL3 Motec. This project will involve planning an entire harness based on the sensor needs of other students' projects. To make the harness the student will need to cut, crimp, measure, and heat shrink wire to all parts of the car. The student will also need to work with sponsors and other subteam students to buy and spec correct sensors for each project. Being able to read and understand datasheets is very important when working on this project. Student will also need to learn the Motec software for communication with the data logger. If time allows the student should research and create a telemetry prototype to connect and send data from the data logger to a computer.



●  Design a full data acquisition wiring harness

●  Get required sensors for other students projects

●  Analyze previous data logger data

●  Purchase required connectors and materials

●  Design prototype telemetry circuitry and code


●  Harness must be water and abrasion resistant as well as easy to remove

●  Correctly cut, pin, and heatshrink all wire and connectors

●  Create a circuit board and code capable of connecting to a computer and data logger


● Analyze data from the data logger


This project will assist EECS engineers who are looking to get into the automotive industry and in designing data collection systems. The senior will have the opportunity to connect with sponsors. Teamwork will be required as most systems on the car will need to have a sensor. Brainstorming sensor ideas with other seniors for sensors will be beneficial to the team. 


Minimum Qualifications:


Preferred Qualifications:

1 Electrical engineer or Mechanical engineer with an interest in data collection, circuit design, programming, and communication


Project Partner:

Logan Misbach


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

ElectricalData AcquisitionSensorsWiring HarnessWiringMotec
Card Image Capstone