Interactive Survey Tools for Data Visualizations

User surveys are crucial to the evaluations of data visualization methods.   When these surveys only request indication of agreement or disagreement, the survey results can have limited use.  This project is to develop codes to enable interactive annotation on the visualizations, e.g., figures or graphs, so that users can highlight regions of interest, write comments at desired locations and mark mouse clicks.  These functionalities are expected to be incorporated to survey tools like Qualtrics.   


The contributors will first be asked to practice with putting buttons on a Qualtrics survey to enable checking through multiple pages of visualizations.  The deliverables include a customized survey tool such as Qualtrics that have functionalities of  1. object selection, 2. region selection, 3. marking mouse clicks 4. showing tool tips and 5. leaving comments on the visualizations. 


Open source survey tools are dominated by text questions and checkbox selections.  They inhibit complete understanding of topics that have visualization components.  For example, bar charts or histograms are commonly used for data analysis.  A survey can be targeted at asking which bar is right and which needs validation.  Allowing an interactive user selection can help with the evaluation of the visualization method and in-depth data analysis.  


Minimum Qualifications:

Software development skills.  

Preferred Qualifications:

Coding skills.  Enjoy coding,  Open to accommodate requests from testers who are graduate students. 


Project Partner:

Yue Zhang


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

WebData ScienceHCI / UX / UINew Product or Game
Card Image Capstone