Anti-TimeSink Toolset

Build a toolset that helps focus by blocking timesink websites and activities. The toolset contains 2 tools and your team selects which one you want to work on. The overall goal is to block YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Reddit and any other apps and websites that the user determines are a timesink. 

Your team should clarify the exact tool they are targeting (Mobile tool, Desktop tool or Network tool) in the primary plan.


The native tool would run on the desktop or the mobile to stop the timesink from doing any of the following:

  • Being opened
  • Generating notifications
  • Used for sharing

Primary goal:

  • Block the app from doing above stuff in a given schedule.
  • Allow setting per-app schedule (e.g. allow Facebook 8 to 9pm but YouTube shorts only from 7-8 pm).

Secondary goals:

  • Not only block the native app for the above websites but also the website from being opened in any of the browsers installed on the device.

If you are building a desktop app, make sure that you block the timesink activities from all browsers and native apps on the desktop.

The network tool would run on a PC or Raspberry pi.

Primary goals:

  • Block traffic from going to any of the timesink website from any device using the home Internet in a given schedule.
  • Help user setup their home network connection to be able to use this tool.

Secondary goal:

  • Generate stats about how many attempts were blocked and from which device.
  • Allow setting per device schedule. (e.g. Allow Facebook only on the desktop on Saturday mornings while blocking Instagram from all device except for 8-9pm on weekends).


We are in the age of attention economy. This project aims to help users to focus more by blocking timesink apps and websites.


Minimum Qualifications:

Must have taken the networking class or have prior networking experience for the network tool. Must have some prior web dev experience.

Must have taken the mobile development class or have prior mobile development experience for developing the native tool as a mobile app.

Must have taken OS class or have desktop development experience for the PC based tool.

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

Samarendra Hedaoo


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

MobileNetworkingOperating System OS
Card Image Capstone