Cross-platform Personal Trainer App

Create a cross-platform personal trainer mobile app that can plan and modify fitness routines, shows progress toward goals, and offers encouragement.


 NOTE:  Feel free to change any of this up if you have better ideas!

Main objectives

  • Login and create a profile.
    • Name
    • Choose from several avatars.
  • The user will then be sent to a Dashboard page with a Create Fitness Plan button
  • Create Fitness Plan
    • Take Survey:  Fitness goals (lose weight, build strength or endurance, muscle mass, flexibility, etc), Body type (endomorph, ectomorph), Fitness level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), etc
    • The app will then create a list of exercises based on the Survey. The exercises will utilize typical gym equipment with cardio and weight machines, free-weights, stretching and yoga poses, floor exercises, etc.
    • The list of exercises can be edited (delete/add). This lets a person with bad knees, for example, choose not to do squats. Or to add a favorite exercise.
    • The Fitness Plan can be changed at any time
  • Back to the Dashboard, which now shows a Start Workout button
  • Start Workout
    • The app will create a daily workout (list of exercises) based on the current Fitness Plan, and what was done over the past n number of workouts.
      • For example, if a previous workout focused on legs, the current one could focus on upper-body or cardio. This should also take into consideration the current fitness plan.
      • This implies an algorithm that would take into account (at minimum) the frequency of various exercises, which exercises were done most recently, the muscle groups targeted by those exercises, which exercises should be grouped together, and the fitness plan. The algorithm should produce workouts that a personal trainer might create.
    • The workout is presented as a series of cards for each exercise, with info at the bottom to show overall workout progress,, time or # exercises remaining, etc.
    • When done, the user is queried about the exercise:
      • Weight? reps? time? Intensity? Easy, med, hard? Whatever is entered should be tracked. 
      • Note:  This should be super simple and done in a second or two. A couple of taps.
    • After info entered (or skip pressed), the next exercise card is shown.
    • The system will remember the workout, day, exercises completed and their intensity, weight, reps, time, etc
  • Tracking
    • The user can view progress toward various fitness goals. This can be shown to the user on the Dashboard in some pleasing visual manner based on the tracking data

Stretch Goals (complete any or all as time allows):

  • Choose a list of Personal Trainers, each with a name, image, personality, and style of training. Use this instead of the survey above to inform the algorithm. 
  • Incorporate chatbot functionality through an API (ChatGPT or other) to offer custom workouts, encouragement, advice, a personal touch, healthy menus, etc.
  • Add the ability to reach random sub-goals, and offer encouragement based on the proximity of those goals:
    • Only 22 more pushups to reach 300 all-time!!
    • 25 more minutes on the elliptical to reach 100 hours all-time!
  • Send app notifications and/or text messages for motivation



It's difficult for individuals to get started and stay motivated with their fitness goals. This app will put the power and motivation of personalized fitness training in the palm of their hand.


Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

William Pfeil


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

Card Image Capstone