OSU Orientation Gamification
Create a game or app of OSU student services and resources to increase student engagement and information retention. Examples include CAPS, Basic Needs Center, COE tutors, Programing HelpDesk, etc.
(Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Development and Testing: Work with CS undergraduate capstone student groups. It is also desirable to have a graduate student group involved.
- student groups propose websites, apps or games to achieve the goals based on their experience and interests.
- student groups pitch their idea to the sponsor (Engineering+) by end of week 2
- student groups develop their idea over the term
- Engineering+ (Dr. Mallette or course leads) will meet with teams as needed.
Students have indicated they prefer a gamified environment when learning content. A gamified format will increase orientation completion rates and serve as a resource for later times when information or resources are needed.
Ecampus: Within the online modality the student learner tends to feel a sense of alienation and disconnect from their classmates and faculty. Because of this they don’t learn or understand the myriad of resources available to them throughout their academic journey. If students learned and understood all of the virtual resources available to them early on, this could increase student retention, student satisfaction, and increase student engagement and a sense of community.
On-campus: Students are overwhelmed during in person orientation, and much information is not absorbed. An app which can be revisited or used throughout the year would provide a resource to students at the time they need it.
Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed
Project Partner:
Natasha Mallette
NDA/IPA:No Agreement Required
Number Groups:1
Project Status:Accepting Applicants