Dividend Dollars Investment App

My goal is to create a full stack application that is similar to investment ‘holdings’ applications currently on the market. This app is not meant to allow the buy or purchase of stocks, but it is meant to allow users to better track their holdings (regardless of what vendor controls their portfolio). One example of a similar app is ‘Stock Events’ which you can easily find on Google. This is purely a student project (no sponsor), so I am doing this entirely as an educational exercise. 


A full stack application with Web and Mobile components. Since this is purely a student project, the tech stack is going to have to be open source & freemium options only. This is very subject to change as the project team is defined, but I was considering an app that uses a TypeScript FrontEnd, using the WordPress hosting service, and communicating with a MiniKube (free, small scale kubernetes) backend.. I would like to incorporate databasing, preferably MongoDB.


A love of investing and finance has made me often wonder ‘if’ I could build an investment app of my own… and this class is the excuse for me to give it a shot! I would love to dive in with anyone of a similar interest.


Minimum Qualifications:
  • An interest in investing and finance
  • Willingness to work on a team to build a full-stack application
  • Willingness to learn new tech & skills as the project demands

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

Kenneth Huddleston


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

Card Image Capstone