Crowd-sourced Shopping App

Like Waze for shopping! Mobile app compares item prices at different stores using crowd-sourced data. Users can rate and add comments about the shopping experience.


A user can CRUD a shopping list. The list is then compared against a database of nearby stores and products to give the best store shopping recommendation, based on the price differential for the list. The comparison algorithm should also take into consideration whether the item is on sale and when the price was updated in the database, as prices may have changed.

In the store, the user is encouraged to barcode scan items (sale or otherwise), and enter the current price. There should also be a way to check a "sale price" box. Users should be able to tag items: "Toilet paper", "Hand sanitizer", and so on. Users should also be able to create tags, so that specific brands as well as generic items, can be compared (Charmin Ultra Soft vs Toilet paper). Thus brand-conscious and less-picky shoppers can both be accommodated.

The incentive to update prices for others is a reputation system (similar to stack overflow or many other sites). Thus a user who updates many prices regularly will be a Master Shopper (with a corresponding icon). There should be several levels of shoppers, giving users more incentive to "level-up". When a price comparison is run, a user can pick a store and see the shopping list and prices for each item along with the shopper who last updated the price:

Purell 4oz -- $105.99 -- <3 days ago by SuperShopper555
Users can also comment on and rate their shopping experiences. A live feed can show overall system activity:

03-22 -- SpaghettiO's @Albertsons => $0.89 -- SuperShopper555
03-22 -- "Winco Foods does NOT have enough cashiers today. AVOID" -- Shopaholic


So many great apps and communities have been built on crowd-sourced data. Now its your turn to add to the experiences!


Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

Samarendra Hedaoo


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

Card Image Capstone