The Bike Kollective

This mobile app allows bike sharing everywhere for everyone. For free.


This is a pretty simple concept. It's an app that you can download, that lets you share your used bike with everyone else. Here's how it works...

How to get started with the app:
>>Download the app
>>Create an account (should be able to use Google Auth at least)
>>Sign an accident waiver

How you use the app:
>>The app will show bikes via a map or from a list with address or cross-streets. The number of available bikes will be shown as well, possibly via color-coded dots.
>>You go to the location. The app will verify that you're there via gps coordinate and a point-radius geofence (use the Haversine formula).
>>Choose a bike from a list. The bikes in the list have one image each.
>>If the bike has been stolen, or isn't there for any reason, you can note that in the app, then choose a new one.
>>Once you have chosen a bike, it is checked out to you, and the app tells you the combination to the lock.
>>You stow the lock and away you go.
>>You park the bike somewhere eventually, lock it, and tell the app you're done.
>>User can rate the ride 1-5 stars. So the real junkers sink to the bottom of the list.
>>User can list anything wrong with the bike. [Possibly this system will be known to a Bicycle Collective in an area and possibly they will donate their time to repair the bikes, just as they do here in Corvallis.]
>>If a bike stays out more than 8 hours, the app will bug you to park it and give someone else a turn. If you don’t park it within 24 hours of using it, your account is locked forever and you can’t borrow bikes anymore. Or something like that.

How you add a bike to the system:
>>Enter a different area of the app.
>>Take a pic of your bike.
>>Sign a release of interest in the bike.
>>Lock it up somewhere and enter your combination into the app.

Granular Requirements:
>>Mobile App or Responsive Website
>>User accounts and authentication including email verification
>>Can take, save, and display pictures of a bike
>>Can view locations on a map
>>Can show bikes in a list along with thumbnails and star ratings
>>Forms to add and check out bikes
>>Can add tags to bikes and filter search by tags

Stretch Requirements:


Power to the people. Resistance is Futile: Let your used bike be assimilated.


Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

Samarendra Hedaoo


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

Card Image Capstone