Opinionated Project Management Website

This opinionated web app allows software teams to maintain and manage their development tasks. The goal is to make this as simple as possible to use.


Note: The dev team should devise their OWN opinion about how this app should work and manage projects. Below is roughly what I might try to put into a simple Agile PM system. Make this as simple as possible to use, and make it your own :)


  • System asks for project name and dates and names of users and automatically sets up everything like:
    • Sprints
    • Example tasks per user
    • Kanban board and lists
  • Created tasks default to backlog?
  • Current sprint is automatically advanced?
  • Maybe entirely user story driven?


  • Account creation (user auth)
  • CRUD projects
  • CRUD tasks
  • Tasks contain key properties like:  task type (feature/bug/etc), priority, story, status, assignee, creator, comments, etc..
  • Views:  tasks by project, by user, by sprint

Stretch Goals: 

  • Users can view and move tasks around on a simple Kanban board - Backlog, ToDo, In-Progress, Testing, Done
  • Tasks can be sorted or filtered by task properties
  • Report on tasks by type, status, due date, “momentum”, etc


We've all used a variety of tools to manage projects. Many are somewhat complicated to use. This tool should be as easy as possible, and one way to accomplish that is to have a strong opinion about how projects should be managed (not a lot of options or ways to do things).


Minimum Qualifications:

Desire to learn how to build web apps, including full-stack

Preferred Qualifications:

Prior experience building web apps, including full-stack


Project Partner:

Samarendra Hedaoo


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

WebDatabaseWebFull Stack
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