EECS Design Student Community of Practice MentorMatch Project

This project has been running for the past two years, and this is the final anticipated project stage, The project currently has a functional website on a cloud platform. In  the Spring 2024, the outgoing CS team delivered handoff materials, including logins for access to the site and data storage. In this last stage, the visual elements of the website need to be polished, matching algorithm needs final revisions and testing, site security needs to be confirmed, partnership with OSU web services needs to be explored, and initial program registrants needs to be recruited.  Ideally, by the end of spring 2025, the website can be completed, presented, and begin functioning as a system for matching EECS students up with mentors who can help guide them toward career success.


Ideally, by the end of spring 2025, the website can be completed, presented, and begin functioning as a system for matching EECS students up with mentors who can help guide them toward career success. The site should be secure, easy to access and navigate, functional for matching purposes, visually (and possibly fully) integrated with other OSU web presence, and an administrator with limited knowledge of web development should be able to maintain it.


To complete a mentor matching system for EECS students to use to find and communicate with experienced professionals who are available to help guide them in their career development paths based on key identity factors and interest areas.


Minimum Qualifications:

CS senior standing, web development, cloud-based data management

Preferred Qualifications:

Motivated to improve the experience of EECS students, willing to reach out to recruit partners to test and begin use of the system


Project Partner:

Rachael Cate


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

WebSecurityDatabaseOperations / CloudAlgorithmsHCI / UX / UIEducationConsultancy
Card Image Capstone