Job Tracker
This web app allows students to track their internship/job hunting efforts. The target users would be CS students who are attempting to land internships and full time positions upon graduation.
The functionality of the web app would include:
>>Account creation (user auth)
>>Users can create jobs/internships
>>Users can also create 'skills' which can relate to specific jobs/internships: Allows them to track which jobs require which skills, see how frequently certain skills are noted within applications, and track how comfortable they are with those skills/if they need to work on those skills more (ex: 'Docker is noted in 60% of your applications').
>>Users can create 'contacts': keep track of networking, contact information for individuals they've networked with who may be related to specific jobs/companies they're applying to.
Stretch Goals:
>>Incorporate Glassdoor's API and/or reddit's API, to display data related to certain jobs. Use these to research certain internship application processes.
Students often apply to dozens (often 50+) of internships within an application cycle. Keeping track of each application and its status (i.e. applied, waiting to hear back, interviewed, decision, etc). requires some type of bookkeeping.
Minimum Qualifications:
HTML/CSS/Javascript Preferred Qualifications:
Prior experience building web apps, including full-stack
Project Partner:
William Pfeil
NDA/IPA:No Agreement Required
Number Groups:1
Project Status:Accepting Applicants