Text Adventure Game for Education

You will be creating a website that allows educators to easily create and deliver Text Adventure Games to a class on their school computers. The games will feature educational content delivered in a fun, engaging style.


There are 2 main parts to this project, each hosted in different websites:  A TA Game Creator, and a TA Game Player.

TA Game Creator Website

  • This should be fairly simple and easy to use; for non-techies
  • User can register/login and view/edit their own created games
  • The output of the Creator is a large json file that contains all info for the TA Game (but the user never sees this)
  • The json file should include all game elements:  Description, rooms, objects, inventory, npc's, puzzles, actions, educational asides, etc.
  • A series of forms can be used to create/edit a new game, including all the elements above
  • There should be some way to easily jump around and edit what has been created so far.
    • One way could be a separate window that has a set of hierarchical links. Clicking a link takes you to a form for that element.
    • Or use something graphical, like a map
  • A test button opens a new window (TA Game Player) where you can test your work so far
  • A publish button creates the final json file and publishes it on the web server for public use

TA Game Player Website

  • A user (student) can visit the site and choose from a series of TA games
  • Or a user can scan a QR code or click a link and immediately be taken to the Player loaded with a game
  • Either the entire game is hosted client-side, or game state info is stored in cookies and passed back and forth, or game state is stored server side while the game is played. What are the trade-offs? What is best-practice?

Stretch Goals

  • Images are uploaded in the TA Game Creator and are displayed in the TA Game Player page
  • Responsive website for the Player that works on mobile.
  • The Player is an actual mobile app.
  • Different publishing options: public or private. Private games must use a link or QR code for distribution. Anyone can find a list of public games on one of the TA Game Player pages.
  • A rating system for public published games.


Text Adventure games (also known as Interactive Fiction) are an ideal way to “gamify” learning. This is an engaging and fun way to introduce many topics and sub-topics, especially History!

The long-term vision of this website, is that many educators will contribute content that can be used by any other educator.

The hope is that students will be far more engaged and interested than with a traditional lesson. This also lends itself well to online course delivery.


Minimum Qualifications:

Desire to improve education.

Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed


Project Partner:

Samarendra Hedaoo


No Agreement Required

Number Groups:


Project Status:

Accepting Applicants

WebWebFull Stack
Card Image Capstone