Multipurpose FPGA Detector Emulators
This project involves creating low-cost detector emulators that have the capability to
produce variable currents, frequencies as well as low voltage AC and DC signals. All
programming should be compatible with a Window’s 10 environment or higher. This
can be accomplished in the following series of steps:
- Research various high fidelity, low cost components that can be driven using an FPGA development board.
- Develop a method of independently driving up to 5 different signals using a single program/FPGA board.
- Develop an enclosure for the signal generators that can be easily moved (for example around a lab).
- Develop a method to switch between signal types easily (for example change between a frequency generator and a DC voltage source).
- Development of a software application on a “Project Laptop” computer where the entire system can be controlled and monitored.
- Performing tests to assess performance and verify system response and accuracy requirements.
Signal Types:
- Resistance Temperature Detector
- Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- 4-20 mA
Project Milestones
Development of the demonstration system should proceed according to the following project milestones:
Milestone 1: Research various high fidelity, low cost components that can be driven using an FPGA development board.
- Research commercial low-cost signal emulator packages as follows:
- Research different FPGA development boards that support the functional requirements.
- Research different signal generators that support the functional requirements.
- Develop cost-benefit analysis of various options for each component in the emulator package. For example, FPGA boards that may cost more but give better accuracy results vs. FPGA boards that are cheaper but sacrifice accuracy or response time and by how much.
Milestone 2: Obtain and Set up Development Environment
After component selection is completed, procure FPGA development board and various signal generators. Confirm operation of the development boards and development software by synthesizing, implementing, and downloading example designs provided with the boards. Evaluate whether additional intellectual property (IP) cores will be required to create designs providing signal generator functionality and obtain licenses to these cores if necessary. Obtain required cables and connectors required to establish communication between the various signal generators and the development boards.
Establish a signal link between each signal generator and the development board utilizing evaluation board reference designs where possible. Develop embedded software applications that exercise each of the signal generators. Validate correct operation of each signal type and that data can be successfully exchanged between the development board and each signal generator.
Milestone 3: Enclosure Design
Develop an enclosure that houses the detector emulator package which is moveable, mountable on standard 35mm by 7.5mm din rail, and does not affect accuracy. The size specification can be expanded if more signal generators can be supported.
Milestone 4: Implement Redundant Signal Driving Capabilities
Devise a method for driving up to 5 signals independently and concurrently that can be used to demonstrate the required accuracy and response time. Design and implement programmable logic designs to achieve the required functionality and develop embedded software applications to demonstrate communication among the processing nodes.
Milestone 5: Signal Type Switching
Develop an ability to switch between the various signal types. The method should provide isolation between each signal type and should not affect the accuracy of a given signal. The switch can be electronic or physical hardware, but it must be fault tolerant. For example, a fault should not cause damage to any other signal generator.
Milestone 6: Testing of System Reliability
Develop a test bed that can simulate the response to commanded signals. Assemble a test plan that demonstrates that the implemented system meets the project’s high-level objectives. Execute the testing on the test bed and document the test results.
Milestone 7: Performance Testing
Characterize the accuracy and time response characteristics of the implemented solution by conducting performance testing. Establish the latency of the implemented solution by repeatedly measuring the signal level from the start of a command until a steady state signal level is achieved. Bound the range of expected latency and accuracy of the signal level in terms of percent of a point and percent error of the full range of the emulated signal.
An emulated detector is designed to have all the features of a real sensor, making it a valuable tool for experimentation or debugging.
Minimum Qualifications:
None Listed Preferred Qualifications:
None Listed
Project Partner:
Daniel Heinlein
NDA/IPA:No Agreement Required
Number Groups:1
Project Status:Accepting Applicants