IOT Temperature Controller Group 1 2019-2020

Web Applications
Server Side
Embedded Systems

The project is an Internet Of Things Temperature Controller. The device will control a heating device that will regulate the temperature of a bed soil for plants. This project utilizes an ESP32 which is a small WiFi enabled micro-controller. The micro-controller communicates with a server and a phone application to control the relays in the device. The relays turn a heating system and a cooling system on and off. The device uses a digital temperature sensor to monitor the temperature of the bed of soil. It will use that data to predicatively control the heating and cooling systems.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
Project Google Site Website for the project containing information on the project and the members of the team   Link
Project Summary Video This is the project summary video that introduces the team, the project and demonstrates the project.   Link
Project File Repository Project file repository that includes all the files for the project that the team made.   Link