LED Hexahedron Visualizer

Junior Design

This LED visualizer is an 8 by 8 by 8 cube of individually controlled RGB lights. Using a graphical interface, users can select pre-programmed animations, send messages, or control LED states directly via a pixel-level control system. This project uses a microcontroller to take in serial data from the computer and decode it, and individual pixel data is stored within shift registers. The GUI was built using Processing . Some notable features include a passive system to choose between battery or wall power, and the ability to use an Arduino Nano or Teensy 3.6 as the microcontroller with minor firmware changes. Designing a user-friendly interface for programming a 3D matrix of LEDs has been a major challenge of this project, and there are many extra features, animations, and minor improvements which could be made in the future, such as adding support for more colors, a full set of ASCII characters, and control of animation speed.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Project Executive Summary This artifact summarizes how we as a group approached the project, some challenges we encountered, and what we learned from it.   Download
Software This GitHub link contains the code for GUI control software, pre-programmed animations, and firmware.   Link
Showcase Presentation This file is the recorded video presentation of the project.   Link