Lunchbox Timer (06) ECE342-W21

The timer is used to time how long you boil your eggs. You have the ability to choose 4 minutes for a soft boiled egg and 10 minutes for a hard boiled egg. There's an extra button to add an extra minute. You can also change the brightness of the seven segment display. Once you have selected the time, press the start button. Feel free to add an extra minute anytime or to change the brightness. After the timer has expired, a speaker will play a 440Hz note. Press the start button again to stop the speaker and start over. Key technologies implemented included the Arduino Nano, C coding language, the JD Power Supply from Junior Design 1 (which ramps down wall power from 12 V to 5V) and a PCB board. The Arduino Nano was the heart of the timer as it controlled pretty much everything. It had a C script running on it which used polling and conditionals to check for inputs. The largest challenge for this project was designing an enclosure. The software Fusion 360 definitely has a steep learning curve. The most notable accomplishment was designing a PCB, having it printed and shipped and finding that it works!

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Name Description
Executive Summary A summary of how the project went.   Download
Developer Guide A document that can be used to further develop the timer.   Download
Project Summary Video A summary of how the knobs and buttons on the interface interact with the Arduino to make the timer function.   Link