Bike04 ECE342-W22

3D Printing

The intended use of our system is to provide an alternative use of turn signals to bike riders that is easier than what riders do now which is signaling with their left or right arm to determine if they are going left or right. Another aspect of our system is to add brake lights to the bike such that people around them know when they are braking or slowing down to assist other drivers when making informed decisions based on the bike rider's current actions. Key technologies we implemented were the individually programmable pixel LED strip, the MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope, and the Arduino Nano microcontroller. The Arduino was key to programming the individual LEDs and being able to change the color of the LEDs to our choosing. The brake lights were red and the turn signals were yellow. Another key piece was the accelerometer and gyroscope which assisted us in determining the brake light brightness based on the speed of the bike and determining when the turn signal should be deactivated. The Arduino Nano was the main feature that facilitated both the brake lights and the turn signals using Arduino code. We managed to create a system that is able to use a minimal amount of voltage in order to accomplish the goal. The system was also created to be lightweight and sturdy enough to survive a 3 foot fall. A challenge we encountered was trying to get accurate readings from the accelerometer and gyroscope to use them effectively. Another challenge we encountered was the lack of interrupts on an Arduino Nano, all of which were being used by the accelerometer/gyroscope. In the future, we could implement a microcontroller that has more than two interrupts in order to accomplish what we want to do more effectively.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Weight of the System This video shows how much the main part of the system weighs.   Link
Ease of Assembly This video shows one is able to assemble the system onto a bike in under 3 minutes.   Link
3 Foot Drop Test This video shows the system being dropped from 3 feet high and still working afterward.   Link
Water Resistance Test This video shows how water resistant our system is.   Link
Visibility Of System This video shows how visible the system is in almost complete darkness.   Link
Turn Signal Test This video shows that the turn signal can be controlled via the handlebars of the bike.   Link
Project Summary This file summarizes the timeline of our project, things that went wrong, and what we learned.   Download
Project Showcase Video This video summarizes what we did during the project and what materials we used to complete it. The video also describes the challenges we encountered and what we would do if we tried to make this project again.   Link