Lightweight Wireless Heart Rate Monitor

This project entails using light sensors and red/infrared LED lights with the help of a microcontroller to count heart beats though one of the users fingers. The microcontroller then takes this data and sends it over Bluetooth to the user's phone where an app is used to connect to the Bluetooth module and then display the heart rate that is being detected. The technologies implemented are Bluetooth and android app development. The sensing was taken care of by a MAX30102 and the calculations were done on an Adafruit FLORA microcontroller. Some future improvements would be adding iOS support and preventing the microcontroller from flooding the Bluetooth module with too many requests which tended to stop communication between the Bluetooth module and the app. One last improvement would be to create a more user friendly UI as currently it is a bit rough around the edges for the average user.

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Name Description
Project Closeout PDF of the project closeout document which contains the design impact statement, project timeline, scope & engineering requirements summary, risk register, and future recommendations.   Download
Executive Summary PDF that contains explanation of the original design problem, needs that the design solves, narrative explanation of how we approached the project, project timeline image, and key lessons learned.   Download
Project Summary Video Link to video containing our summary of our project with challenges and limitations.   Link