GUI Controlled SpyderCam Payload Positioning System (Group18 ECE342-W21)

3D Printing
Junior Design

Our team developed a SpyderCam style payload positioning system that moves a payload around in an 8.5 by 11-inch area by using three strings that connect to a central payload to pylons at the corners of an equilateral triangle. An Arduino was used to control stepper motors that allow for the payload to change position, the Arduino also is used to measure the sensor values from the RFID and light sensors on the payload. G-Code commands generated by a MATLAB GUI are used to provide the Arduino with instructions on where to move the payload.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Project Summary Video Project summary video for GUI Controlled SpyderCam Payload Positioning System (Group18 ECE342-W21)   Link
Developer Guide Documentation and information about the system that we built.   Download
Executive Summary Executive summary of our project.   Download
Project GitHub GitHub Containing all the documentation on the project   Link