ENGR103 Final Project

ESP-32 based environmental data collection & monitoring. I utilized a DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor to collect measurements of temperature and humidity, and used a Keyestudio KS0196 PM2.5 sensor based on the Sharp GP2Y1014AU sensor to collect PM2.5 particle data. I collected data for a total of 35 hours, as I figured, why not do more than 24. This meant a larger data section and more to analyze. I found that while both temperature and humidity varied wildly throughout the day, due to influences such as opening the doors and windows, or running a swamp cooler, particle count stayed relatively stable, save for a few outlying points. As for the hardware, I chose to use a Noritake CU24025ECPB-U1J vacuum fluorescent display to add to my project, and used its capabilities to display the data collected in real time. I had originally intended to use a Noritake GU140X16G-7002 matrix vacuum fluorescent display, but the manufacturers library was not compatible with the ESP32 due to relying on features present on only AVR microcontrollers. I decided against attempting to rewrite the library, as I wasn't really sure where to start. I used a DHT22 sensor as I was familiar with how they worked & had used its predecessor before, so it was quite easy to get working. It also gave me a humidity readout, effectively 2 sensors in one. The KS0196 was just the cheapest PM2.5 sensor I could find at the time, no other reason as for why I chose it. It works fine for this purpose, and seems reasonably accurate.

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Name Description
Project Code This file contains all of the code that runs on the ESP32 to power this project. The file is 460 lines in length and represents numerous hours spread over a week implementing all of the features & making sure they work properly.   Download
Temperature Over Time This is the graph of the data I collected over a 35 hour period of the temperature in my dorm room. It encompasses over 120,000 data points, one per second of elapsed time.   Download
Humidity Over Time This is the graph of the data I collected over a 35 hour period of the humidity in my dorm room.   Download
Dust Concentration Over Time This is the graph of the data I collected over a 35 hour period of the PM2.5 particle counts, represented in micrograms per meter cubed.   Download
Wiring Schematic This image depicts the breadboard layout of my ESP32, with labels for each pins function.   Download
Picture of main board with 4 buttons Main breadboard with ESP32, micro sd card reader, and 4 button module.   Download
Picture of KS0196 PM2.5 Sensor Sensor module with DIY airflow deflector   Download
Picture of DHT22 Temperature/humidity sensor module. shown attached to the side of a shelf using sticky tack putty.   Download
VFD display A cropped photo showing the VFD display on the default realtime data display.   Download
Video Brief video outlining major components of project, including code, user interface, and outputs.   Link
Default serial output the program sends data over the serial port once every second. this data contains measurements from all 3 sensors.   Download
Requested serial output when the user requests (by pushing one of the buttons on the button module) the program will send a summary report, including 10 minute averages, 24 hour averages, and overall minimums/maximums.   Download
35 Hour collected data The excel file + graphs created from the .CSV file the code outputted after 35 hours of running.   Download