
For the final project in the class, I was assigned with measuring data for a period of 24 hours. I choose to measure the distance (cm) from my desk to my door. Meaning this would allow me to track when my door had opened because any other value other than the actual distance from my desk to the door would mean that I had opened the door. This distance was measured through the ESP32 with a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor programmed within Arduino IDE. I also inserted my data collected from the serial monitor into a spreadsheet to create a graph of my data. Within this assignment I learned how to manage big data. I also learned that with big amounts of data requires a lot of preparation and additional time to collect the data. This assignment really tested my knowledge of all the skills I learned within the course of ENGR COMP&ALGORITHMIC THINKING.

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Name Description
Google Sheet Link Link to Google Sheet with my 24 hour of data with a graph   Link
Diagram How the HC-SR04 connects to the ESP32   Download
Arduino File An upload of the Arduino (.ino) file for the program   Download
Video on Project Video that goes over the project showcase.   Link