Audio Visualizer ECE341-W20

Visual Basic
Junior Design

The Audio Visualizer was a accelerated project assigned to a group of 3. My group and I created this audio visualizer from using an Arduino Uno, resistors, LEDs, and a speaker. In this project, we have to use our knowledge of amplifiers in order to use the frequencies picked up from the speaker into our Arduino. Then we coded the micro controller to pick up frequencies and then display them onto our LEDs. This was a 3 and 1/2 week project, therefore there are a lot of room for improvement. One major improvement would be to create a better enclosure, and making sure our circuit wasn't on a breadboard anymore.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Schematic This is a PDF of the Schematic   Download
Timeline This is a Timeline of the project as a PDF   Download
Code This is the code for the Arduino as a PDF.   Download
Block Diagram PDF of block diagram   Download
Bill of Materials Excel sheet of the Bill of Materials   Download
Interface Definitions PDF of the interface definitions   Download