8-Bit Music Box, Group: Music 03, ECE342-SP22

3D Printing
System Design
Junior Design

Music box that is able to record and play back audio, which also comes with two preset songs. In addition, the music box has a lights system which includes RGB LEDs and a frequency spectrum analyzer. These functionalities are implemented on two Arduino Nanos, one for the lighting system and one for recording and playing back audio from an SD card. To do this, the TMRPCM and SD libraries for Arduino are used, and the FastLED library is used to control the lights, with the fastFFT library being used for the frequency analysis in the spectrum analyzer. The sound is output through an amplifier to two 4 ohm speakers, and the input is taken from an ISD 1820 microphone chip. This allows for fairly accurate audio playback. Some improvements that could be made are better management of wires/moving some wires to the PCB to reduce interference, and changing the microphone position to allow for better recording quality.

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Executive Summary Brief summary of the overall project   Download
Project Demo Demonstration of the working project   Link
Project Summary Video Video going over all of the parts of the project   Link