Pomodoro Timer ECE342-Sp21

3D Printing
Junior Design

This Pomodoro Timer increases productivity by allowing the user to remove distracting items such as phones, watches, or personal items during work time. The Pomodoro Timer has an intuitive design that includes an adjustable clock dimmer, a light-sensitive alarm with built-in control, 25 and 5 minute timer modes, and a large area bed for personal items. The system can be powered by a 9V battery to offer portability but can also be plugged in through a 12V wall wart. The timer is controlled by a MAX7219 display driver that offers unique 7-segment control as well as sweeping brightness functionality. The clock automatically displays time using all 4 digits of the 7-segment display which includes millisecond precision. Additionally, the 3D-printed case increases the products potential use due to its strength and size. To further improve the Pomodoro Timer an RTC could be implemented to provide a more accurate clock. An adjustable clock for the user would also help with increasing the products potential. This would allow a user to increase or decrease the timer based on their personal needs.

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Name Description
Project Summary A project introduction that serves to familiarize the reader with my project and the steps I took to reach my goal.   Download
Pomodoro Timer Demo A full working demo of the Pomodoro Timer including trigger alarm, brightness sweep, and physical system shake down to show system stability.   Link
Developer Guide Includes system overview, electrical specifications, user guide, design artifacts, code, and other information.   Download
Project Showcase Overall summary of project requirements, challenges and expectations.   Link