The Gravity Cube, Team 05, ECE342-Sp21

Project for a 3D LED Cube. The system is used to display messages as well as programmed animations on a 5x5x7 plane of LEDs encased in an acrylic box. The system includes a user controlled GUI where animations can be customized and uploaded to the cube through the use of a micro-SD card. For on-board user controls, the system includes a rotary encoder knob that allows the user to change the brightness of the LEDs and a capacitive touch sensor that allows the user to cycle through the cubes animations. At the heart of the system lies an Arduino Mega microcontroller that controls everything in the cube. Lastly, the cube features a gyroscope that allows the cube to determine it’s orientation and adjust the animations accordingly. The gyroscope is what sets our LED cube apart from others and makes it unique. This along with the ability for the user to program any animation that they desire are our most notable accomplishments from the project. For future improvements, we would like to implement a microphone that can detect sound in its environment and synchronize the LEDs to flash along to what is being played.

4 Lifts 



Name Description
Project Summary A summary of our design process   Download
Gantt Chart Our team's Gantt Chart that we used for our project timeline.   Download
System Demonstration Video Video demonstration of the entire system   Link
Project Summary Video Video Summary of Project   Link