Automatic Bike Lights 3000.01 - Bike 08 - ECE342-W22

3D Printing

The Automatic Bike Lights (ABL) 3000.01 is an automatic bike light safety system designed to provide automatic turn and brake signals to cyclists. The 3000.01 implements these functions while remaining durable, waterproof, and easy to install. The ABL 3000.01 can be split into three primary modules: the front controls, the central control unit, and the rear lights. The front controls house a custom printed-circuit board (PCB) with buttons and indicator light-emitting diodes (LEDs) so that a cyclist can control the rear lights easily. The central control unit contains an Arduino Nano to control the entire system and a 12-volt battery to power every module. The rear lights hold two super-visible LEDs that will ensure that a cyclist is always visible on the road. Modules are connected to each other via cables insulated with split-loom conduit and waterproof connectors to ensure a balance between durability and modularity. Our group learned many skills during the timespan of this project - this is the first time that any of us used computer-aided drafting and design (CAD) to create custom enclosures and PCBs. Areas of improvement include additional periods of design and testing to ensure that all subsystems work properly before final assembly.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Project Summary Project summary document.   Download
Arduino Code in C++ This is the code used for the project.   Download
Engineering Requirements The requirements the Bike project was held to.   Download
Electrical Schematics The overall schematics for the project   Download
Bill of Materials The price by part to build this project   Download
Block diagrams These include individual blocks and the upper level   Download
Enclosure Diagrams All enclosures designed and used for the project   Download
Verification Videos Video evidence of system testing and verification   Link
Project Summary Video Summary of Automatic Bike Lights 3000.01 Project   Link