Job Tracker

Web Applications
Full Stack

Applying for software engineering internships and full-time jobs as a student or recent graduate is often a numbers game. It may take hundreds of applications just to get one internship or job offer. Each application may have multiple stages such as an online assessment (OA), phone screen, and multiple rounds of interviews. Given the amount of information that has to be maintained during the application process, there is an opportunity to develop software to keep track of all of this information and provide analysis to users. Our Job Tracker project is intended to do just that: to maintain job application information and provide analysis for users of our software. As students who have applied for hundreds of internships, we felt that we had some insight into what would make a great application for tracking a user’s applications.

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Job Tracker Video Demonstration Hudson Southey-Gordon, Dakota Junkman, and Nic Nolan give a demonstration of the project they developed for their Fall 2022 CS 467 Capstone class.   Link