Draw and Play Video game

Game Development

Smartphone applications are constantly coming out and constantly changing. Developers have to keep up with trends and designs and must constantly come out with new content in order to keep up. Development of a draw and play video game aims to fix that by allowing users to create their own fun. The user selects an image from their phone, which the app then converts into a maze. Next, the user places the ball to roll and the goal flag. The ball can be controlled with either the phones gyroscope or with an optional keypad for accessability/convenience.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Maze Creation Demonstration of our image processing algorithm. The background is scaled to the phones resolution and a maze is created with that new background.   Download
Home Screen Our functional home screen.   Download
Placing Objects Demo Showcase of our placement feature. Because selected images are dynamic, we let the user pick where to position the start and end of their maze.   Link
Movement and Win State Demo Showcase of our gyro/keypad switching system as well as the basic win condition for the game.   Link
Team Design Document A design document that explains and details our project and its version updates.   Download