GTFS-ride Tools Development

(CS55) Pioneering development of software tools for a brand new global data standard. The General Transit Feed Specification is a data standard for the sharing of transit schedule data that was created in 2005 by Google Maps. This enabled the inception of hundreds of new companies, apps, and services, and it is now the de facto global standard. Today, a similar goal is being realized in GTFS-ride, an extension to the GTFS data standard that specifies ridership (# of riders getting on and off at various segments of a transit network). Our goal is to create the very grassroots tools for the generation and manipulation of GTFS and GTFS-ride feeds , which are really zipped folders of text files that functionally act as a relational database--complete with primary keys and fields that refer to fields in other files. Our primary customer is transit agency employees who do not necessarily have high technical skill, and our product is a web app that is hosted by a Linux VPS. We are using React and Bootstrap for the frontend and the standard Node.js and Express for the server aspects. Most of our time has gone into laying all the base project infrastructures and the understanding of the feeds on a very deep level.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Tools being hosted for demo ability via Digital Ocean VPS server. Tools being hosted for demo ability via Digital Ocean VPS server.   Link
GTFS-ride Website GTFS-ride Website   Link
GTFS Website GTFS Website   Link
Beta Demo Video Beta Demo Video being hosted on YouTube (only accessible via this link)   Link