ENGR 103 Final Project -

For this project, we were tasked with developing a program that can monitor some conditions over the course of 24 hours. I chose to monitor the temperature of my dorm room over a 24 hour period. While the time I recorded (6/3-6/4) wasn’t a particularly hot spell, I thought seeing how the temperature of my room varied throughout a day would be interesting and topical; I, like many other students, am not much of a fan of how much we have to pay for dorms, and that we still don’t get A/C despite that. The data I collected showed exactly what was expected; as the day progressed, the room heated up. As night approached, temperatures began to cool down. Interestingly enough, the temperature of my room was slightly staggered from the temperatures outside; my room reached peak temperatures around 8pm, long after it had begun to cool off outside. Another interesting thing I noticed is that the readings were sensitive to body heat. When I sat down at my desk, the temperature readings would slowly rise until it was about a degree or so in Fahrenheit higher than it was before. Overall, the data observed showed exactly what I expected; temperatures valued greatly, with a low of 56 and a high of 69 degrees, and averaged around 62. Attached in photos is my Arduino board as well as my thermistor and resistor setup, and a couple examples of some of the running code and some of the finished averages.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Arduino Code This was the code I used to record the temperature in my room over a 24 hour period. It prints out temperature readings every second, and prints 10 minute averages for the 24 hour duration.   Download
Project Overview Essentially me rambling about my project for a little over 5 minutes.   Link
Data and graph (Excel) A link to look at my complete data, as well as a graph showing said data.   Link
Raw Data (Google Doc) Raw data copied directly from my program.   Link