Supply Activity Logger

Web Applications
Client Side
Server Side
Software Engineering
Full Stack

Every day, HP ships large volumes of products that range from commercial printers to personal computers. Occasionally, their products become damaged or unusable in transit. Ultimately, this costs the company valuable resources and impacts their relationship with clients and customers. It is not cost effective for HP to replace goods damaged during shipping. Building, packaging, and shipping replacement products wastes precious materials and contributes to the world’s growing carbon footprint. The Supply Activity Logger (SAL) device was developed to pinpoint where packages are being damaged, allowing HP to make logistical shipping changes and reduce excessive product waste in the future. The SAL project is comprised of two teams. Our partner team developed a small hardware device to be shipped with packages and log the conditions the shipment experiences in transit. The device includes sensors for temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, impact, orientation, and GPS location. The logged data is stored on an SD card and, at thee end of a trip, uploaded to a web application for data visualization. Our team developed a database and web application to graphically display the sensor readings from the SAL device and allow users to statistically analyze the data. The web application was developed using Node.js. We developed a MySQL database to store and statistically analyze sensor data. On the web application, we provide identifying information about the trip, and Google Maps to show GPS location readings for the trip. We used the Plotly library to display interactive graphs of sensor readings. To ensure the security of the data, we utilized Google authentication and only allow authorized user to utilize the web application. Authorized users may view details on each "trip" that the device has made. Users also have the option of analyzing the data based on user-defined standard deviations. The main accomplishment of this project is providing a visual tool for authenticated users to evaluate the locations where, and causes of, product damages. Although we had to adapt our work around the loss of a team member, we were able to develop what we believe is a solid and useful web application. For future improvements, we would consider optimizing how we process multiple queries for a single HTML request, and improving the data visualization technique for orientation data.

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