"The Icebox" - Mini Sumo Bot 4 - ECE342-SP22

Our mini sumo robot was intended to be able to find another robot in a small arena, move toward its target, and push the target out of the ring without leaving the ring itself. This was implemented using two microcontrollers: one which handles sensor inputs, and another that handles the decision logic based on those inputs. The robot utilizes an ultrasonic sensor for object detection at a distance, limit switches to determine physical contact with an object, and IR phototransistors to determine if contact with the edge of the arena has been made. The design also features an OLED screen which can be used to display debugging information for each individual sensor, to check for proper operation. Our most notable accomplishment on this product was getting a mostly working final product while down one member for most of the term. Our primary challenges came in the form of the physical construction, and improvements in this area would not only improve the aesthetics and form of the robot, but also make its operation smoother.

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Name Description
Project Summary A summary of the design process for our robot project.   Download
Project Presentation A presentation of the details of our project requirements.   Link