JD2 Custom Interval Timer Project Team 002 ECE342-W23

The main goal of this project was to create a Timer system that would count up from 00:00 in 1 second increments and periodically play an alarm tone at a certain time interval. The time is displayed on a 4 digit 7-segment LED display unit and the interval time is set by the user. The timer includes separate side functions, such as variable LED brightness and variable alarm volume knobs. The 7-Segment LED Display system utilizes a TM1637 LED Driver chip that communicates with an Arduino UNO R3 to process user inputs and output the displayed time. One of the main accomplishments is that the timer system worked as intended with little troubleshooting required - especially for our Arduino Code system. Once we had physically assembled the unit it passed our full function test and maintained time-accuracy. A pretty severe roadblock happened when we determined that the custom PCB we designed for the project would not be able to be utilized in the way we intended, based on some key design flaws. Having to restructure and nearly rebuild our hardware system from the ground up in a short amount of time proved to be quite challenging, but we managed to get a working system in time for the verification demonstration.

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Name Description
Project Summary Executive Project Summary   Download
Project Showcase Video A 6 minute video that walks through the functions and design requirements of the Interval Timer project   Link