Soil Moisture Data Logger


This project is an ESP32-powered data logger made for my ENGR 103 final project. I decided to measure soil moisture using a resistive analog soil moisture sensor. I worked in the unit WFV (water fraction by volume). I also added an SD card reader to my project for data storage. Another benefit to this is being able to insert the SD card into your computer and have a .txt file with all of the data is great for data processing. My data logger reads from the sensor once every second and keeps updated high and low values. Once ten minutes have passed, a ten-minute average gets loaded to the SD card. You can also press a button to have a summary sent over the USB Serial Bus.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
24h Data Readings A .txt with 24h worth of sensor Readings   Download
Arduino Code Data Logger Arduino .INO Code   Download
Data Logger Picture A picture of my setup   Download
Data Logger Picture 2 Another picture of my setup   Download
Youtube Video   Link
Schematic Schematic of my button, soil moisture, and SD card reader to the ESP32   Download