Fire/EMS Dispatch analyzer

Machine Learning

When people call 911, dispatcher answers and determines the type of emergency. Then he/she will use a three-digit code to represent the situation. For each fire or EMS call, the dispatcher will send one or multiple responses such as engine, ladder, or battalion chief. Obviously, the result will be different based on lots of features like time or location. It will be hard and inaccurate to summarize the rule by the human brain. Dispatch analyzer uses the new machine learning algorithm to find the rules behind the data. This will allow a user to understand how a district responds to emergencies compared to the official dispatch rules. In the end, the software will compare the predicted result to the real result to get the accuracy rating, so the user could determine how much they can rely on the predicted result.

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Name Description
Demo Video This video shows how to use the software with fake data.   Link
Import Page It shows information of data after user imported data.   Download
Select Page User select time of the data and it will show the number of items.   Download
Analyse Page This page shows the result after analyzed. User can get the accuracy of result.   Download
Poster The poster gives information and background about the project.   Download