Temperature of the dorms

Over the year I've found that the temperature of the dorm room always seemed hotter than the temperature outside. With the help of the Arduino, I could finally see the temperature in my dorm room compared to a random day in June. I tested this for 24 hours straight and kept a Woozoo fan (identical to the one pictured) on during testing. The fan on me and my roommate doing school work throughout the day simulated any normal day in our dorm.  CODE: Going over the program you can notice that I added a "starting program" into the setup so I could know if it compiled correctly. To the loop section, it runs for the most part through the millis > shortTime if statement. Where millis tracks how long the program has been running and shorttime is always reset to be 20000 milliseconds ahead of it, or three minutes and twenty seconds. Once it is three minutes then it checks how many times it's run, and if it's anything other than the third it will just collect data and add one to the counter. This data will be checked to see if it's greater or less than the overall min or max of the test. When it is the third time going through the process it will add up the three values, and then divide by three and print out the average. Finally if the user inputs 'p' then the program will print out the average over the full test, minium, maximum, and amount of data values are stored. OBSERVATIONS: To get a fair estimate of the temperature in my room I instructed the Arduino to give me the temperature every three minutes and twenty seconds. It would then do this twice more to give me three tests every ten minutes and average the three and output one number. This is to minimize variance in my data and the possibility of an incorrect value.   Then I grouped every six values and averaged those to receive averages every hour so I could easily compare the values to the temperature that day. For the real temperature that day, I went to a weather website and copied the hourly temperature they found in Corvallis.  From getting accurate data that I found as well as the exact temperature from that day I was able to contrast the two in this chart. After looking at each chart by themselves, together there is a clear discrepancy between the two charts. Most noticeable in the temperature that was observed, for not only did it not dive and dip in values such as the temperature outside. But when comparing the two it had little fluctuation compared to the temperature outside. Why is this? My best guess would be due to the concrete of the dorms, as it holds in the temperature, and while it might be colder outside, the building and the concrete are still hot from the day. Leading to a difference in values and the temperature observed being relatively stable.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
Thermometer code The code of my program!   Download
Screencast of explaining my project This video is me explaining my program and my findings.   Link