Accelerometer Display on LCD Screen

For our ENGR 103 Project we took an accelerometer and turned the values into angles then we average the angles to then be sent to a php file and then the last part of our project would pick up our values and display them on the LCD screen

0 Lifts 


Name Description
ESP32 #1 This code was created by Alex and is used to calculate average angles in x,y,z and then mimics html submission to send it to the first php code   Download
ESP32 #2 This code was created by Conner and is used to recieve values from php to then display them on an LCD Screen   Download
PHP #1 This code was created by Josh. It is used to recieve the average values.   Download
PHP #2 This code was created by Josh. This code is used to send the values recieved in a comma separated form to the second ESP32   Download
Project Video Video made by Conner, Josh, and Alex.   Link