HyperRail Interface and Control Module 08 ECE342-W21

The HyperRail project will be used in green houses to collect and analyze data. The teams focus was to develop an interface that would be able to control the HyperRail using G-code commands. The user would send the commands via computer to an Arduino nano that would then send a signal to the stepper motor drivers. The project contained a manual control module consisting of joysticks to manually move the HyperRail to a wanted position. An Arduino Uno was used to receive the joystick outputs and then send a signal to the stepper motor drivers. Safety features were also added to the HyperRail including feedback sensors and an emergency shutoff button. The feedback values are displayed on the interface for the user. A key achievement of the project includes successfully designing a user-friendly control system that will allow most people to operate the HyperRail. In the future the enclosures used in the projects would be redesigned to a more industry standard to have the durability and waterproofness necessary, considering the environment that the HyperRail will be in.

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Name Description
Project Summary General project description and a project timeline   Download
Project Summary Video General project presentation   Link
Developer Guide Overview of the system, artifacts, and instructions   Link