Diablo 3 Speedrunning

In the world of video gamers there is an upper echelon of elite players who strive to be the best amongst the rest. With sports, this can be determined with tournaments and number of wins and some kinds of video games can achieve the same determination with tournaments and such. This is a specific category that has developed its own area of recognition known as speed running. Speed running is the act of playing through a video game as fast as a person possibly can and timing the whole experience. The people with the best time in a specific video game can be considered the best in the world. For our site we are focusing on a specific video game called Diablo 3. The video game Diablo 3 consists of 5 acts or sections each of which can take a different amount of time to complete. We seek to implement a database which records all completion times for each act of the game. More specifically, the database records the player who completed the act, the character class used by the player, the platform on which the game was played, the time taken to complete the act, and the date the act was completed by the player, for each act of the game. These relationships are captured in a table of Act-Runs, particular game events consisting of a player completing a particular act in the game, with foreign keys to other tables which store data for the entities which stand in these relationships. The entire point of this database is to take these act runs and rank them based on the time it took to complete them with the best time being at the top. This will help determine who is the best player at completing that specific act of the game. This will help solve the problem of finding out who is the best speed runner of Diablo 3.

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