Music Box 2 Time Dilating Disco Dalek ECE342-SP22

The system controls lights. The system plays pre-programmed songs. The system can playback a microphone recording. The system is aesthetically pleasing. The system is easy to use. The lights respond to the music. The user can modulate the playback. The Disco Dalek is the Superior Party Machine. Exterminate boredom! The Disco Dalek uses an FPGA to receive IR inputs as well as the onboard ADC to read from the antenna (Theremin) feature that also serves as a mounting place for the LED strip. The data is sent from the FPGA to the Raspberry PI3B using 5 bits for the remote-control signals and four bits for the Theremin sample levels. Audio playback is then modulated on the PI using the Theremin sample levels as the playback rate. The effect of the Theremin modulation can be a pitch increase, pitch decrease, or disabled using the remote control.

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