Portable User-Friendly Oscilloscope ECE342-S23 (003-2)

System Design
Junior Design

This project is a two-channel oscilloscope designed to be used in laboratory settings. To facilitate integration into lab environments, the oscilloscope features BNC input jacks, allowing it to connect to standard oscilloscope probes. The system also has an input impedance of one megaohm, allowing it to function with 10x attenuation probes. Using 10x attenuation probes, the system can tolerate input voltages up to ±66V. Finally, the system features adjustable vertical scaling, horizontal scaling, and trigger level, as well as selectable AC or DC input coupling, which are all standard features on commercially available oscilloscopes. The system accepts power from two banana plug jacks, making it easy to power from a benchtop power supply. The electronics are enclosed in a custom 3D-printed case. The most notable accomplishment of this project was the high sampling rate that our team achieved. Enabling this performance is the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller development board, which utilizes an extremely fast ARM Cortex-M7 based i.MX RT1060 microcontroller. Utilizing the microcontroller’s built-in ADC and DMA functionality, we achieved a sampling rate of 1.18 million samples per second on each channel. Currently the measurements of the oscilloscope are displayed on a color display on the front panel, while user input is made using a single rotary encoder on the front. However, the display we selected for this project also has touchscreen support. This project could be further improved in the future to make use of this touchscreen to provide more ways to interact with the device. In fact, the electronics were designed to allow for this capability, so the changes could be implemented completely in software.

4 Lifts 



Name Description
Project Summary Video This video covers the development of the oscilloscope, detailing challenges and achievements, as well as possible areas of future improvement.   Link
Executive Project Summary This document summarizes our objectives for the system, the main development phases, and key takeaways from the project.   Download
Schematic Schematic diagram of the oscilloscope PCB   Download