The Big Box Team 04 - ECE342-W22

The Big Box is a three-dimensional 5x5x7 LED cube. It has multiple purposes, all of which are selectable from a GUI connected via Bluetooth. Some of the selectable modes of operation are a nightlight mode, an audio visualizer mode, and a selectable animation mode. The significant technologies utilized to create the Big Box are client-server wireless communication, data processing, and multithreading. The client-server communication was necessary to communicate between the raspberry pi and the GUI and the data processing was seen with reading information from sensors and GUI and having the LED matrix act in accordance. Finally, multithreading was used to allow the sensors, the LED matrix, and the central microcontroller to work in parallel. The most prominent challenge that the group overcame was integrating the different blocks together, but we largely mitigated the issue with proper planning through interface definitions.

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Project Summary Summary of the term project design process and walkthrough of each design phase.   Download
Project Summary Video Summary of the term project in video format.   Link