ECE Know It's Off 2019-2020

Embedded Systems

The Know It’s Off project is an IOT wireless monitoring system designed for common household devices such as ovens, dishwashers, washers and dryers, etc… The system uses multiple sensors to adapt to the machines being monitored. For example, an oven would likely use a temperature sensor. The system then transmits the on/off state as well as the state of the system (e.g. battery percentage) to a website. Users have control over the system parameters via an online web page with security measures. Note that this is a joint project between ECE and CS, but will be showcasing the work done ECE team.

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Name Description
Project Google Site Google site used to convey additional information about the project.   Link
Project Google Drive Google Drive containing a majority of files we created during this project.   Link
Project Summary Video The video summarizes our experience with the project   Link