Hydrogrow: Automated Hydroponics 2019-20

Web Applications
3D Printing
AVR Microcontrollers

Traditional soil-based gardening wastes a lot of water and does not optimize plant growth, speeds, or yields. Our solution is Hydrogrow, an automated hydroponics system. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using nutrient-infused water rather than soil. What makes Hydrogrow different from other hydroponics systems is that it can be controlled and monitored remotely using the system's web interface. On the web interface, users may set the system's watering frequency and the system will circulate the water to and from the growing trays based on their settings. They may also set the nutrient and pH concentrations of the water and the system will automatically pump in the solutions to maintain the perfect balance. Throughout the day, users may monitor the current watering cycles, pH and nutrient concentrations, and the amount of water left in the reservoir on the web interface. If at any time there is a fault, such as a valve becoming disconnected, the system will alert the user. With Hydrogrow, plant lovers never have to be far from their plants again; they are just a few clicks away.

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Name Description
GitHub Repository Contains code for the frontend and backend of the web interface. Also contains hardware code that runs the system on the Raspberry Pi.   Link
Project Website Learn more about Hydrogrow and the team.   Link
Google Drive Repository Contains the engineering requirements, the block diagram, bills of materials, the power budget, code for the node microcontrollers, PCB files, and enclosure files   Link
Project Summary Video Overview and demonstration of the Hydrogrow project   Link