Lattice LED Cube (Team 01) ECE342-W22

3D Printing
Software Engineering
Project Management
System Design
Embedded Systems
Junior Design

Lattice LED Cube is an individually addressable 5x5x7 led cube that displays three preprogrammed animations, custom messages, reacts to audio, and is controlled by an intuitive wireless GUI. Layer multiplexing uses MOSFETs to turn on and off layers and manipulate color of specific LEDs in the cube, creating a seamless experience. Lattice code is written is C++ and uses high speed I2C protocol to communicate with LED drivers connected to each column of LEDs. Animations and custom messages can be changed to any color using a GUI written in python. The GUI sends data formatted as a json struct wirelessly using a server/client model and HTTP requests. Notable accomplishments include unique two-layer PCB design where the cube sits on top of the hardware, custom and colorful alphanumeric messages which display capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation, and wireless user control. Areas for future improvement include code optimization to reduce flickering and a more seamless audio experience.

2 Lifts 


Name Description
System Documentation overall system documentation for the lattice led cube   Download
Executive Project Summary design problem, design approach, design timeline, lessons learned   Download
Project Summary Video Final project summary showing all phases of development   Link