Home-Made Oscilloscope 002-5 ECE342-S23

3D Printing
System Design
System Testing
Technical Writing

This system is capable of measuring and displaying two analog signals simultaneously from easily detachable BNC probes. The oscilloscope will be able to sample each incoming signal at a rate of at least 50kHz. The oscilloscope will then generate a voltage waveform graph of the incoming signals in real time onto a connected laptop display via a USB connection. The system contains a user adjustable voltage knob that scales the y-axis between 0 –5V, and a trigger switch which will activate a user configurable trigger point to generate a freeze frame of the voltage waveform. It was important that we had the opportunity to practice working on a problem that has many answers and routes to closure. Important was the opportunity to exercise creative collaborative practice. Making a professional level record (documentation and artifacts) of the journey was a valuable skill we began to develop, and hope to continue to enhance in Senior design projects. Technical skills enhanced were of the computer science and electrical engineering type. We look forward to continuing to prioritize learning and exploring new design challenges rather than perfecting the final product.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
Project Summary Overview of the Home-Made Oscilloscope's functionality, design choices, challenges faced, and thought process going into the design. A Course Timeline is included as well.   Download
Video version of the summary If you find video version most accessible check this out   Link
System Level Documentation A document logging all design choices, block level diagrams, and comments on the software and hardware used to create the Home-Made Oscilloscope over the course of the term.   Link